From the CvS duology alone do you get cool scenes like Geese throwing a Reppuken at Bison to blow his cape away. Battle Intro: The games are full of this.series in this installment of Nintendo's premier Massive Multiplayer Crossover, joining Ryu & Mega Man - veteran fighters with one appearance each to their names. Ultimate: Ken (as part of the launch roster) and Terry (via DLC) join the Smash Bros. SNK 2 EO (a modified version for Xbox and Nintendo GameCube that adds an "Easy Operation" ("GC-ISM") mode for simple inputs and changes certain gameplay behaviors) SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001 in Japan) SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001 (known as Capcom vs. SNK Pro (an Updated Re-release that, among other things, added Dan Hibiki and Joe Higashi to the roster) The fighting games of this series, so far, are these: note The company listed first is the developer. Naturally, in 19, the inevitable happened, and the two companies came together to both make separate fighting games based on the concept.

During the height of the fighting game popularity, one of Capcom's biggest competitors was SNK, creators of the Neo Geo console and arcade system, who challenged Street Fighter's dominance with a wide array of linked and standalone games and series, culminating with their own Massive Multiplayer Crossover, The King of Fighters.